
Compare business gas & electricity prices.

Get independent advice on how to achieve the best gas and electricity prices for your business. We make it so simple; in fact it’s as easy as ABC!

ADVICE. Let’s have a chat (over coffee if you’d like) about your options: we’ll have a look at your bill, check everything is in order and then we give you advice on when and how is best to purchase your energy.

BEST PRICE. Now it’s our chance to work our magic! Independently searching the whole of the energy market for the most appropriate contract and the best deal for you. We have no vested interest in where contracts are placed; so we will put you with the best!

This process would take the average business days to do and often confusion, but we have the power to take all this hassle away from you. Trust us, we know our stuff.

CHOICE. Lastly it’s our job to recommend and advise you on the best deal for your business; but ultimately the final decision is yours. Once you’re happy we take care of the rest. We arrange the agreement with the provider and ensure a smooth transition into saving you money with either your existing provider or a new provider.

We will be with you every step of the way, so you can sit back, relax and do what you do best.

Plus we offer our clients a lot more....

  • Forward purchasing strategies
  • Account Management
  • Liaising with providers on your behalf, saving you hours in call queues
  • Resolving overcharges and billing discrepancies
  • Finding other ways to reduce your energy consumption